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Indian Cookbooks

Indian Cookbook Reviews
By. B. Shrestha [July 2009]

Indian Cookbooks

"Until recently, many of the Indian recipes had not been written down."

Cookbook or any food literature is not just a glossy pictorial or dry manual with step-by-step direction for making elaborate recipes that we will never make. A good food literature is a cultural guidebook that celebrates our mundane activities; creating, eating and sharing.

Until recently, many of the Indian culinary knowledge had not yet been formally (or casually) written down. Daughters learned from helping their mothers and new cook apprentice gained the knowledge by following his master chef. Even then, there was never even a verbal passing down of recipe. Indian food is creative and you cook with your feeling (hunch at best). Literally, you put ingredients and create your dish according to what you felt at that time.

Starting with emigration away from India, change in family priorities, and growing interest in Indian cuisine outside of India, many are learning how to cook Indian food from cookbooks.

Some of fine gastronomical literary and scholarly contribution on Indian food is listed below. For complete index, please refer to Indian cookbook index and Indian food author index.

India: The Cookbook
India: The Cookbook
by Pushpesh Pant
Street Food of India: The 50 Greatest Indian Snacks Street Food of India: The 50 Greatest Indian Snacks
by Sephi Bergerson
The Indian Slow Cooker: 50 Healthy, Easy, Authentic Recipes
by Anupy Singla
Modern Spice: Inspired Indian Flavors for the Contemporary Kitchen
by Monica Bhide
Curry Lover's Cookbook
by Mridula Baljekar
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